Baby Yoga Teacher CPD Training Course (training day)

Baby Yoga Course to offer Baby Yoga Classes for Parents and Babies (2 Days) A 2-day workshop for qualified Baby Massage Teachers. This CPD programme, is designed to increase the skills of existing Baby Massage Teachers. It offers the teacher a further 4-5 weeks of classes with Yoga based exercises for the baby, for parent […]

Baby Signing Teacher Training Course 11th-12th November 2024 (Zoom)

Baby Signing Teacher Course A 2-day programme for professionals working with parents with children in early years. Baby signing has been around for the past 30-40 years, and has become increasingly popular in the UK over the last 15 years or so. Evidence has shown that infants who sign, understand language, have larger vocabularies, and […]

Baby Signing Teacher Course 2023 onwards

Baby Signing Teacher Course A 2-day programme for professionals working with parents with children in early years. Baby signing has been around for the past 30-40 years, and has become increasingly popular in the UK over the last 15 years or so. Evidence has shown that infants who sign, understand language, have larger vocabularies, and […]

Baby Signing Teacher Course 2016-2022

Baby Signing Teacher Course A 2-day programme for professionals working with parents with children in early years. Baby signing has been around for the past 30-40 years, and has become increasingly popular in the UK over the last 15 years or so. Evidence has shown that infants who sign, understand language, have larger vocabularies, and […]

Baby Signing Teacher Course – 9th-10th Sept 2024 (Zoom)

Baby Signing Teacher Course A 2-day programme for professionals working with parents with children in early years. Baby signing has been around for the past 30-40 years, and has become increasingly popular in the UK over the last 15 years or so. Evidence has shown that infants who sign, understand language, have larger vocabularies, and […]

Baby Yoga Teacher CPD Training Course

Baby Yoga Course to offer Baby Yoga Classes for Parents and Babies (2 Days) A 2-day workshop for qualified Baby Massage Teachers. This CPD programme, is designed to increase the skills of existing Baby Massage Teachers. It offers the teacher a further 4-5 weeks of classes with Yoga based exercises for the baby, for parent […]